Monday, May 28, 2012


Everything I have written from December 12, 2011 to May 25,2012 is missing.  I don't know how it happened - it just happened. Shit. It was massive amounts of stuff... an ass-load of bad haiku and gut spillage just out the window with the bathwater AND the baby.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another Crappy Day in Paradise

 I have have developed clumsiness.  Not the ordinary bump into someone in the hallway clumsiness, or drop your fork at the lunch counter restaurant. This is drop your entire place setting, manage to fall in someones lap while spilling his fishbowl margarita all over the women next to him, just as the waiter comes with lava-hot plates of fajitas and flings them at random people in my general vicinity

I either fill my coffee, tea, or soda too full outright, or sometimes I just don't wait to dribble it over to my chair -- sometimes I just throw it into my lap immediately.   Did I mention I've been falling down a lot?  I mean a lot. So much so that I wish I had my own personal chiropractor?  My stupid legs look like overripe bananas.

Haiku for Buzzards

Buzzards circle me
I'm not on the menu yet
So I flip the bird