Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hairy Sheets

I have what is known as a "great room," which is a living room and kitchen and dining room, all combined into one big room.  A tall, bar stool height counter separates the kitchen from the rest, in the shape of a big squared off "U."  In terms of size, if necessary, I could fit 9 bar stools at my bar.  I actually own bar stools, but being a pain in my ass and always in the way, I have relegated them to the attic. 

The counter top tends to collect things--which has always pissed me off.  I HATE stuff on counters.  I have considered buying 18 to 20-ft of pigeon spikes to ward off the mail, gadgetry, dog treats, a couple potted plants, about 39 pens, medication bottles, Kleenex boxes, flashlights, packs of gum, loose change and other assorted counter top detritus.  It has gotten particularly bad since I've been sick. It will just have to wait.

I have made myself a nest on the couch.  This way I'm in the thick of things. I am right next to the back door for the letting out of dogs. I am near to the fridge and pantry - just toddle a few steps and I can eat and drink something. The TV is out here, and I can put my laptop on the coffee table. The guest bath is just on the other side of one wall.  I have everything I need in my nest. It's perfect. Except for the hair.

I hate hair. Naturally I would have 3 dogs made of nothing except hair. Ok, make that hair and teeth. I even went so far as to shave poor Tater one year - left her a big lion tuft at the end of her tail and nothing else. She moped for about 3 days, and from then on I swore there would be no more dog shaving.

I was forced to do a load of laundry today--the sheets and blanket from my couch. If I am on the couch, the dogs want to be close at hand. Binky, the little one, gets on the couch with me. The other two lunks mill around nearby, brushing up against the couch, wiping hair along the sides, leaning up against it, etc., the whole time just bleeding hair onto the damned couch. If I never vacuumed, the entire house would turn into felt.

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