Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This afternoon I have to go to a surgery center and get a biopsy. I'm not nearly as worried about the stupid biopsy as I was all the additional heart tests.  The Neuro guy says there is only a 50% chance of it showing something evil.

Meh, even odds aren't generally deemed good, however with everything else I've had taken into consideration, the odds of having yet another strange, odd and deadly disease are hopefully pretty slim.

(Shit, I should not have even spoken it into existence - too late now.)

If it is indeed something evil, I have big plans for many bacon sandwiches, fried bologna, liverwurst and cream cheese, cake with rose icing....you get the idea.

There is only one test remaining after this biopsy - a CT scan of my hurty screamy boobs. Then all the scheduled tests will be over and hopefully I can lay on my stupid couch and be left alone while I sleep a lot and watch shitty daytime tv.

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