Tuesday, September 13, 2011


No new blockage!  Prayers/good vibes worked!

The heart doc actually said to me, "Your heart looks almost normal, well...except for that dead part at the bottom."   -.-  (The *dead part at the bottom* being where the heart attack actually occurred.)

I am still very sick, but at least I know it's not my heart, which is a relief all its own.

So now we look elsewhere for the weakness and shortness of breath. The Neurologist takes over at this point.  I get a muscle biopsy on the 20th, and immediately after that I begin taking a giant daily dose of steroids.  I should be  bulky and surly by the first part of October. If I have to stay on that dose, by December I should be able to make the power lifting team without even trying. (I am teasing, of course) (Gasp: maybe my ass knobs will fill out?)

They expect the steroids to also help with my pain issues, since they believe the pain to be caused entirely by inflammation.

And yes, I told the heart doc that the pain doc was a complete whackadoo.  The heart doc refilled my oxy, and will be calling the whackadoo to "give him a good talking-to."    *eyeroll*


  1. I'm doin a happy dance for ya, even put on a skimpy costume and tall heels for it!

  2. WOOHOO skimpy! lol~ Pie

  3. I think YOU should write the "talking to" into a script for him.... just leave out the stabbing parts.

  4. Are you kidding? The stabbing is the best part!
