Thursday, September 1, 2011

No Dick! + (New Addendum)

A friend started me thinking about icky old Dick Cheney and his shitty heart.  He told me if I get discouraged about my heart, I should think about Dick Cheney, and all the multiple heart surgeries he's had.  I reminded him old Dick had unlimited money and the best health care package in the country. 

I would like to talk to icky Dicky, however, politics aside.  I just want heart info from him, if he'd even give it to me truthfully.  He is 20 years older than I am, but I'm sure his information might help me.

I want to know if everything he eats tastes like wet ashes?  I want to know if he cries for most of the day? I want to know if he feels helpless or if his ribs feel like they're going to fly open every time he coughs?  I want to know if he feels like he's going to faint if he takes more than 5 or 6 steps?  I want to know if he's too worried or too afraid to sleep.

I'll never know. With that little pump thing he's wearing I expect they're probably prepping him for a transplant as soon as a heart becomes available.  He'll be one of the few that gets a heart while the rest of us drop like flies around him.

Addendum:  My friend John E. says Dick Cheney has never cried a day in his life.

*A dear friend of mine wrote a poem/rant in honor of this particular blog post (and for me) warmed the little cockles of my heart, it did. The link I originally used no longer works so this is his poem, just for me:

The Two Hundred Fifty Sixth, September 13, 2011

By D. M. Lee
I have a very dear friend
hard to believe I know
her story asks a question
no one wants to address

she is trying to recover
following heart surgery
it is not going very well
she struggles each day

bills take all her money
weakness drains her too
unable to do very much
self-esteem taken away

wondering every morning
if today is her last day
will she have more life
ever able to live it again

television adds insult
floating across the screen
the face of Dicky appears
her tax dollars at work

She struggles for treatments
he has all the best care
she can't make appointments
he has doctors come to him

she has not shot a friend
she did not begin any wars
only supported a nation
that is turning their back

we conveniently forget
those that need our help
wounded veterans, the poor
lost children, and homeless

where are the priorities now
that hypocrisy becomes law
care only for the wealthy
providing for their greed

compassion is left behind
the charge of those who care
typically poor themselves
yet they can still find ways

shame upon the narrow
the greed filled and blind
who only seek their pleasures
missing the real point of life

I will pray for my friend
giving the hope that I can
knowing how she struggles
as I cry at the injustice of greed

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