Wednesday, October 5, 2011


First of all, stupid router is sporadic. Need a new one.  Need cash first. Sometimes it comes on and is cooperative. Other times it needs to be reset, only to go right back out.  That big red "X" infuriates me.

Secondly, Dr. No-Fly-List postponed my appointment until the 13th. *sigh* At least the 13th is not on a Friday. I actually do *feel* better on prednisone, but am not really better, if that makes any sense. It has hideous side effects, so I both love and hate the drug. It's like a magic pill - as soon as it's stopped the symptoms it was helping come back worse than ever. It is like an item in the Steven King store, Needful Things.

What I'm really holding out for is the appointment with Dr. Whackadoo on the 11th.  I have been hoarding pain pills since the last visit with the cardiologist, so I have at least one to take at bedtimes in the hope that I can at least get *some* uninterrupted sleep.  SO so so very tired of hurting and not having a full range of movement, and a whole frigging xmas list of other things related to pain of which exhausts me just to think about.

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