Monday, October 24, 2011

Piss & Vinegar

It just dawned on me today that I spend a lot of time being scared lately.  Like terrified scared.  Of course since I found out I had a shitty heart my whole friggin world has been turned upside down.  Now I find out I'll probably be losing my insurance, or at least the *good* insurance.  I'll still have medicare, which totally sucks on its own and gets you practically nothing.

Tomorrow I have a date with a CT machine for my screamy hurty boobs.  Honestly they feel like two big old achy teeth that are badly in need of root canals.  I still find bras to be nothing but implements of torture. I can barely stand to move my arms or put on a damned shirt.

WTF is gonna happen to me with no insurance?  I take 15 different drugs a day, and apparently there's something wrong with my boobs that has yet to be addressed.  How the hell am I supposed to buy drugs? Especially the stupid cholesterol drugs that cost a skillion dollars each?  How am I supposed to fix my screamy boobs?

Dammit, I knew I should have moved to Canada about twenty years ago when I used to be full of piss and vinegar.  Now I'm just full of piss.

1 comment:

  1. Dang, that SUCKS! I wish I knew some good lawyers for ya... you paid in to the insurance, and it certainly wasnt your fault Baltimore mis-diagnosed. They arent through with this dance yet, geez! Jw
