I fell today. In my own bathroom. I had just bent down to plug the drain to the tub, attempted to stand back up, lost my balance and went over backwards. I landed on my left ass knob.
When I say "ass knobs" that's exactly what I mean. I have absolutely zero fat or muscle on my ass. All that's there is bone. So I guess an ass knob is actually a femoral head - the top of the thigh that fits into the hip socket. It hurts, but not an awful kind of hurt like I broke something. It feels about like a badly barked shin...throbby. So now I have the heating pad and advil to keep me company the rest of the night, but dammit to hell, like I needed another pain on top of what I already have. I expect to be extra sore all over tomorrow, but I think I'm ok. I should know by the morning if there's something bad wrong.
Shit. I have the worst luck in the world. If I had to fall down, why the hell couldn't it be at the mall or someplace else other than my own house? Hrmph.
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