Gee, another week without pain relief. Don't know if I'll make it to the zombie shoot or not this weekend. It would be fun, but I just feel like crap.
There's no Fn way I can put a shotgun on my shoulder for starters--I had planned to shoot from the hip. The fuckers there don't believe I can do it, claiming I'd just shoot the ceiling. After being laughed at, I had this urgent need to shove a headless zombie target up some range employee's ass, and truly planned to be there.
Btw, I can also shoot over my shoulder and under my arm. I just cannot wait until my friggin chest heals so I can go to that range and show various doofuses a thing or two. A few St. Louis friends have seen what I can do with firearms, so I'm not just blowing rainbows up any one's ass here, dammit!
Ha! O they of little faith! They should see what I can do with a whip. Not kidding. Indiana Jones wishes he had my mad whip skills! In fact, at one time I could probably have taken a whip to a gunfight and won. Also not kidding.
I have international witnesses for the whip skills. These are not just *tricks* I know, using a whip without actually killing someone or permanently maiming them in the process takes considerable skill, or just hitting a tiny target and nothing else, takes that same skill. It also takes considerable upper body strength to throw a long whip, or even a short one over a long period of time--strength I no longer have with a broken chest. Hell, I don't even have enough upper body strength to do a lot of leash work with the dog.
I don't know what's gonna happen to me. I miss the things I used to do. I miss the people I used to know. I feel helpless and useless, tired and broken. I hurt - this heart thing has hurt me more than anything else ever has. I'm not talking about just physical pain, of which there is plenty. It has hurt my entire being.
I always knew you'd be a fun lady to be around. A pitty geography and timing were against that. I still think you are the greatest. Jw