Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Purple Boobs & a Pain in my Ass

I stopped taking Trileptal today, which was the epilepsy drug that was supposed to help nerve pain via Dr. Whackadoo, the pain specialist.  It did nothing for my pain, but did provide me with a host of very unpleasant side effects.  I am supposed to call them in a week after the drug has had a chance to clear my system, and then I guess he'll give me something else.  Ya know, for a pain doctor he has done absolutely nothing to help my pain.  Except give me a bigger pain -- IN MY ASS.

When I first started this whole heart business, I noticed on EVERY medical building there is a large decal that cannot be missed, right at eye height on the front door.  "NO FIREARMS ALLOWED IN THIS BUILDING."  This has happened since they modified the relatively recent concealed carry laws. 

I can fully understand why these decals are there now, because I have met Dr. Whackadoo, and can easily see why some people might want to turn his face into hamburger meat.

BTW my screamy boobs really hurt, dammit.  I'm calling the boob people tomorrow morning, since I just can't wait any longer for results without having a brain stem injury first.


  1. Cant blame ya at all... I think you have been very patient in dealing with this. Jw

  2. ::stabs self:: ct scan shows nothing abnormal except changes to sternum explained by surgery (expected) So, according to them, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my screaming boobs. *sigh*
