Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blue Haired Old Lady

My hair isn't red anymore. It's steel gray.  The color of old women.  For the complete effect, I'm going to have to investigate some blue rinse for my hair and start riding lower in my car seat, so my view approximates what I can see between the dashboard and the top of the steering wheel.  My heart did that to me - gave me gray hair, and turned me into an old woman. Instantly.

My hair has grown from an unfortunate Romulan haircut at the beginning of the year, into an unfortunate Justin Bieber cut.  If combed correctly I look just like him, only about 40 years older.  I'm thinking of shaving my head so I can look like a schnauzer, but somehow I don't think my eyebrows would cooperate.

This was not an intentionally bad photo, by the way.  I took about 30 of them and it was the best of the lot.  My hand is covering the IV port in my neck which looks ugly at best.  You intentionally do not see any bruising or chest scarring.  Trust me it's there.  Trust me it's purple.  Trust me, I want to cry every time I see it.  I can't wait for turtleneck season.