Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Living Hurts

Breathing hurts
reclining hurts
walking hurts
standing hurts
taking a shower hurts
coughing, sneezing and hiccoughing hurts
Living hurts

When I was a little girl they told us in school to offer up our suffering for the poor souls in Purgatory.  Purgatory was a real place at that time - like Hell, only not forever...sort of like a prison for sinners. Sinners had a chance to get out of Purgatory.  If people on earth prayed for their souls or had masses said for them, of offered up some of their "earthly suffering" it could literally BUY a soul out of Purgatory and then the soul would get to go to heaven.

At some point, I don't know when, the Catholic Church did away with Purgatory and Limbo. (Limbo was an afterlife place for the unbaptized.)When they did this, they rendered suffering absolutely useless.  There is no longer any reason at all to suffer, and yet suffering still persists.

I want to call in all my suffering chips. Oh, and I suffered plenty over my relatively short lifetime, so I should have a huge pile of suffering chips amassed somewhere.   Can't I trade in a few of them?  Just a few?

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