Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Hair

I know you're all just dying to see, but I'm waiting for a photographer who won't make me look like a 2-headed calf. Me  lol.  I'll prolly take my laptop outside on the patio table tomorrow.  You really have to see it in the sunlight to appreciate.

I HATE that long ass FB/Myspace arm thing when people try to take dramatic shots of themselves.

I acutally own a tripod, but it's either in the garage or in the attic.  In either place it would be up high, and I don't have enough energy to dig out a short ladder and carry it up there, or throw rocks at it until it falls down.  (OOO not to mention collecting and carrying a bag of rocks in the first place.  Geez, I probably should have had Rue start climbing ladders last month, now that I think of it.  Damn all the luck.

So the hair....I had it "silvered"  One of those plastic frosting cap things is jammed on the head, and using a sharp crochet hook (I swear she was drawing blood) pieces of hair are pulled through the cap, while the rest of the hair is protected by the plastic.  They were a little worried about the few actual red hairs I have left.  They suspected the red ones would turn into cotton-candy-pink, but nothing like that happened. 

Every bit of color is removed ("stripped") from the pieces of hair which are now outside the cap, making them look white, but they are actually transparent.  Silver is rubbed vigorously into the now prepared hairs.  It looks pretty cool - I like it.  It's not something everyone has, it's dramatic but not freakishly dramatic.  I think it suits me.  Yay I'm actually happy with an aspect of my appearance for a change!  lol 

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