Friday, August 26, 2011

In the Trunk with a Wolverine

I hurt.  I'm sad.  I'm sick and broken. I can't do anything but lay here.  That's it.  Just lay here.  There is an occasional room to room forray, but mostly I lay here and herd dogs to and fro.

 I called the Cardiologist's nurse today to ask that she light a fire under this Dr. Blotner character, the pain specialist, since I haven't heard a word from their camp despite all my pestering and badgering.  (Trust me, pestering and badgering are good things.  If you're on my bad side it's more akin to being locked in the trunk of a car with a wolverine.)

I am kind of anxious about the CT scan of Lefty.  I think they've wrecked poor Lefty forever and I'm worried.  I'm mostly worried because if it's something really bad, I am too weak to survive any additional treatment.

I have two pills left.

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