I FINALLY got a hold of the Pain Doctor's wench. I asked to make an appointment. She tells me, "Well, that's not the way things are done here." Already I can feel my fingers wrap around the imaginary hammer handle in my hand as I reply sweetly, "Why, whatever do you mean, not the way things are done?"
She tells me a huge, 139 item list of things that have to be done BEFORE obtaining an appointment. I was numbering them as I was writing them down. No shit - 139. Writing them down pfft - do you people realize I know shorthand, a dying art? learned back when it took entire buildings to house computers. I digress...
"Let me make a phone call or two and someone will get back to you."
"But, Ma'ammmmmm, that's not the way we do thinnnngs." She was beginning to whine. I could feel my hand tightening on the imaginary hammer.
"I SAID someone would get back to you." ::click:: (There are very few things as satisfying to me as the click of hanging up on someone who has become a pain in my ass.)
I called my Cardiologist's Secretary. She faxed my entire file over to this doctor - which apparently is step #138. #139 is they decide if I fit the criteria. AHA! It just occurs to me they're doing a study. WTF nobody mentioned that to me! Fuck them. I am partaking in no study. I want a real doctor using real drugs I can buy at the real pharmacy, thank you very much. I'm rolling heads dammit.
Feel free to inform the doctors some people really do care if you are around or not! You are not a random sample, you are a one of a kind person, with no replacement parts, so they need to fix whats there, not study.....(slips off soapbox and hears stange cracking noises ((oops)) ) I'm beginning to think your veteranarian could help you more, at least they'd have horse sense!