Friday, August 12, 2011

Primary Dimwit

It's 4:00AM again.  I have no idea why my internal clock is so damned precise.  I wish the rest of me was just as precise. 

Lately, I've been having these strange transient bouts of really feeling bad...really weak and faint--like if I wasn't sitting down, I'd fall over.  Sometimes if I eat something or have a glass of juice, I feel ok after a bit, but not always.  I have to remember to mention this next time I go somewhere. I don't think it's a blood sugar problem, I think it's something else.

I also wonder why it is that I feel so damned awful when I first wake up in the morning? I tend to feel a little better as the day wears on, but first thing I'm a true mess. I can't even walk right - I kinda stumble around, holding onto things as I go. Even the dogs have the good sense to not get too close to me at this point, lest I fall or trip over them.  Maybe this is another medication error, now that I think of it.

I am seeing my Primary Physician Monday for the first time since all my heart business.  I don't have a lot of faith in her. She was convinced my heart was fine due to my beautiful EKGs.  She attempted to feed me antibiotics and prednisone thinking I had a bad chest infection that was making  breathing difficult. After that particular visit,  I booked myself into a cardiologist and a skillion tests and a week later I was having surgery.  So much for my chest infection. 

She's good for ear aches, sore throats and flu shots, but that's about it.   In fact, it's probably time to find a new Primary.  Too bad, too because she's only a couple blocks away from the house and it's easy to get an appointment almost immediately if that's what I need.  Really, I guess my only complaint is that she's a dimwit.  *sigh*

OOO I'm so excited - it's not supposed to be so damned hot today!  I may even get to harvest some of the poop crop from my fragrant garden!  Trust me, the last thing on my mind was dog crap, while I've been so sick, but it's at the point where it can no longer be ignored.  Yuck.  Too bad they don't have thumbs - I'd make them rake up their own poop.  Hrmph!  What I'd really like is to get the Primary dimwit over here to do a little poop raking.

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