Saturday, August 13, 2011

How I Hate Thee, Snackwell Cookies

I've been dying for a damned cookie for weeks. My very first blog entry mentions cookies, in fact.  So for at least that long I have been hungering for a cookie.  Soon I will sprout wild blue hair and two googly eyes if my cookie jones is not addressed immediately.  ME WANT COOKIE!

I bought a box of Snackwell Devil's Food Chocolate Cake cookies.  They are fat free. "Wonderful," I think, since fat is now my enemy, particularly saturated fat, the type usually found in cookies (butter). The cookies are ok.  Just ok.  I wouldn't kill for them or anything.  They didn't even satisfy my cookie jones, since I really prefer crispy cookies. 

In addition to being fat free, these particular cookies pack a powerful 12 grams of carbohydrate EACH.  That means a mere two of these "just ok" cookies are an entire day's bread ration.  It's not like I can put a slice of chicken between two of them with a dab of mustard and make a damned sandwich.  I am really disappointed with these evil, evil cookies.  Fie on you, Snackwell Cookie Company!

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