Monday, August 8, 2011

Like Pulling Teeth

Great, apparently I cannot just walk into a pain clinic and be treated. I have to have a referral from either the Cardiologist or the Surgeon.  I swear to God, getting the treatment and drugs I need is like pulling teeth...and not those wimpy baby teeth either...I mean those big four-prong molars--the old knee in the chest type pulling of teeth.

I called my Cardiologist's nurse this morning and left a message.  I called her twice last week and left a message.  She is the one who was supposed to research the incompatibility between Ultram and Prozac.  Whatever.  If there is a warning label on the damned bottle, I'm pretty sure it's been researched out the ass.

I just want to not hurt.  I just want to go to sleep.  Then after that, I just want to be left alone.  Is that too damned much to ask?

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